
Code2000, 12pt
Версия: 1.15
Начертания: Regular
Разработчик: James Kass
Unicode диапазоны: Basic Latin; Latin-1 Supplement; Latin Extended-A; Latin Extended-B; IPA Extensions; Spacing Modifier Letters; Combining Diacritical Marks; Greek; Cyrillic; Cyrillic Supplementary; Armenian; Hebrew; Arabic; Syriac; Thaana; Devanagari; Bengali; Gurmukhi; Gujarati; Oriya; Tamil; Telugu; Kannada; Malayalam; Thai; Lao; Myanmar; Georgian; Hangul Jamo; Ethiopic; Cherokee; Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics; Ogham; Runic; Buhid; Khmer; Mongolian; Latin Extended Additional; Greek Extended; General Punctuation; Superscripts and Subscripts; Currency Symbols; Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols; Letterlike Symbols; Number Forms; Arrows; Mathematical Operators; Miscellaneous Technical; Control Pictures; Optical Character Recognition; Enclosed Alphanumerics; Box Drawing; Block Elements; Geometric Shapes; Miscellaneous Symbols; Dingbats; Braille Patterns; Supplemental Arrows-B; Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B; Supplemental Mathematical Operators; CJK Radicals Supplement; KangXi Radicals; Ideographic Description Characters; CJK Symbols and Punctuation; Hiragana; Katakana; Bopomofo; Hangul Compatibility Jamo; Kanbun; Bopomofo Extended; Enclosed CJK Letters and Months; CJK Compatibility; CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A; Yijing Hexagram Symbols; CJK Unified Ideographs; Yi Syllables; Yi Radicals; Hangul Syllables; Private Use Area; CJK Compatibility Ideographs; Alphabetic Presentation Forms; Arabic Presentation Forms-A; Combining Half Marks; CJK Compatibility Forms; Arabic Presentation Forms-B; Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
  • Содержит лигатуры: (0xFB13), (0xFB14), (0xFB15), (0xFB16), (0xFB17)

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Список шрифтов:
Aramian Unicode, Arial AMU, Arial Unicode, Arial Unicode MS, ArmNet Helvetica, Caslon Roman, Chrysanthi Unicode, CN-Arial, Code2000, Courier Unicode, Everson Mono Unicode, Fixedsys Excelsior, Free Monospaced, Free Sans, Hindsight Unicode, Roman Unicode, Sylfaen, Times Armenian Unicode, Times LatArm Unicode, Times Unicode, TITUS Cyberbit Basic

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